#[file_query(src)] {
#[file_query] is a special query macro attribute that is based on a query source file.
The argument src
represents the path to the source file (relative to the current working directory). This file should have .edgeql
The decorated struct fields represent the query parameters.
They can be annotated #[param]
when the field name doesn't match the parameter label.
Consider this .edgeql
file ( query.edgeql ) located in directory ./queries 👇
insert default::Person {
name := <str>$name,
places_visited := (
insert default::City {
name := <str>$city_name,
Based on this file, we can write a file query struct like this 👇
pub struct InsertPerson {
name: String,
city: String
Field city
represents the city's name that is under the query parameter <str>$city_name