
    #[select_query(module, table, result)] {

select_query attribute macro indicates that the struct represents an edgeDB select query.

Each field of SelectQuery can be decorated with following tags:


  • #[filter] (#[and_filter] or #[or_filter]) and #[filters] can not be used to together.


Consider the following edgeDB schema 👇

    module models {
           type Person {
                required property user_name -> str;
                required property age -> int16;
                required property gender -> Gender;
                link address -> Address;

To perform a select query using edgedb-tokio we can write code as follows 👇

    #[select_query(module="models", table="Person", result="Person")]
    pub struct SelectPerson {
        #[filter(operator = "Like")]
        pub name: String,
        #[and_filter(operator = "<=")]
        pub age: u16,
        options: SelectOptions
    pub struct Person {
        pub id: uuid::Uuid,
        pub user_name: String,
        pub age: i8
    async fn main() -> Result<()> {
        let client = edgedb_tokio::create_client().await?;
        let select_person = SelectPerson {
            name: "%oe".to_owned(),
            age: 18,
            options: SelectOptions {
                table_name: "Person",
                module: Some("models"),
                order_options: Some(OrderOptions {
                    order_by: "name".to_string(),
                    order_direction: Some(OrderDir::Desc)
                page_options: None
        let edge_query: EdgeQuery = select_person.to_edge_query();
        let args = &edge_query.args.unwrap();
        let query = edge_query.query.as_str();
        if let Some(persons) = client.query::<Person, _>(query, args).await? {
            assert!(persons.len() > 0 );
        } else {